Corridors of Time

Corridors of Time

Progressive Rock, Storytelling Lyrics, Mellotron, 12-string Guitar, Flute, Synthesizer, Electric Piano, Drum Machine



Corridors of Time

[Intro] [Instrumental Break, Mellotron and 12-string Guitar]

[Verse 1]
"Echoes of laughter, shadows of song,
Life's pages turning, days once long.
Now corridors stretch, endless and grey,
Where memories whisper and slowly fray."

[Instrumental Break, Flute and Synthesizer]

[Verse 2]
"Walls lined with pictures, faces of the past,
Joyous moments meant to last.
Yet here I wander, alone with the rest,
In the twilight of life, an uninvited guest."

[Instrumental Break, Electric Piano and Drum Machine]

[Verse 3]
"Children once close, now worlds away,
Promises of visits, none today.
The phone lies silent, no calls to receive,
Only echoes of a heart that grieves."

[Instrumental Break, Guitar and Mellotron]

[Verse 4]
"Meals in silence, the clock ticks on,
Another day gone, another dawn.
Companions share my silent plight,
Lost souls adrift in perpetual night."

[Instrumental Break, Bass Pedals and Synthesizer]

[Verse 5]
"Days meld into years, time slips by,
Beneath the weight of an empty sky.
Locked away from the life once known,
In this house of strangers, I’ve grown."

[Instrumental Break, Full Band]

[Verse 6]
"And so I wait, for time’s release,
In quiet resignation, I seek my peace.
As I walk these halls, forgotten, unseen,
A shadow fading from the world’s keen."

[Outro] [Instrumental Break, Synthesizer Fade Out]