Evil Butterfly

Evil Butterfly

[Verse 1]
This ain't your average love story, it's a tale of the night
Where the evil butterfly spreads its wings, taking flight
A creature of darkness, beauty twisted with pain
With every beat of the music, it's dancing in vain

[Verse 2]
The melody weaves a spell, drawing us in
But beware of the evil butterfly, it's a sin
Its wings flutter with malice, its whispers a curse
As we're caught in its web, it's making us rehearse

Evil butterfly, dancing in the shadows
Its beauty deceiving, its touch cold as snow
We try to break free, but it's already too late
The night is its kingdom, we're just its bait

[Verse 3]
But in the darkness, a glimmer of hope
We find the power within, we won't elope
With a fierce determination, we break the chains
Evil butterfly, no longer holds the reins

In the end, we triumph, the music sets us free
Evil butterfly, defeated, no longer a decree
We dance under the moonlight, a victory to claim
Our love story, forever changed by the game