[Verse 1]
In the dark of the server,
DPM's shadow subtly rises and falls,
The anti-cheat system like a shield,
But hiding our true motives.

In the game of money, we control everything,
Players' hopes shattered by us,
Behind the disguised smiles lies a conspiracy,
Anti-cheat is only a cover for our real purpose.

We disguise the true with fake masks,
Every update is a new trap,
In this dark world, we have it all covered,
Players' dreams shattered one by one.

DPM, walking in the darkness,
Master of the money game, control unlimited,
Under the fake masks, truth hard to touch,
The anti-cheat barrier is our disguised gate.

[Verse 2]
VIP prices soaring like flames,
Every transaction filled with traps,
Under the guise of technology, our conspiracy,
Weaving a web in the darkness.

Our servers as strong as iron barrels,
Every step of the players under our surveillance,
A web woven with code, traps everywhere,
Everything under control, our rules hard to escape.

Disguised promises like illusions,
Truth obscured by the temptation of money,
Players' ignorance becomes our gain,
In this shadow, we hold it all.

DPM, walking in the darkness,
Master of the money game, control unlimited,
Under the fake masks, truth hard to touch,
The anti-cheat barrier is our disguised gate.

In the darkness, we disguise ourselves as saviors,
Every update hiding traps,
Players' dreams devoured by us,
Under the fake masks, truth unknown.

The flow of money makes us stronger,
Every plugin carefully designed by us,
Though the anti-cheat walls are high, they can't hide
Our true goal of controlling everything.

[Verse 3]
Money in hand like a scepter,
Every plugin is part of our conspiracy,
Though the anti-cheat walls are high, they can't hide
Our true goal of controlling everything.

DPM's empire expanding in the darkness,
False rule, money game,
Players' trust eroded,
In this shadow, we forever reign.

Our power grows with every money grab,
Every ban a proof of our success,
Under the fake smiles is endless power,
Players' hope in our hands traded as chips.

DPM, walking in the darkness,
Master of the money game, control unlimited,
Under the fake masks, truth hard to touch,
The anti-cheat barrier is our disguised gate.

In the dark world, we are the controllers,
DPM's shadow spreading in the game,
False smiles, money game,
In this storm, our power irreplaceable.

Players' pain is a symbol of our power,
Every transaction making us richer,
In this empire in the shadow,
DPM's name will forever be engraved.