Hymns of the Fallen Virtue

Hymns of the Fallen Virtue




Hymns of the Fallen Virtue

In the realm of shattered dreams, beneath the guise of holy beams,
Where shadows cloak the righteous deeds, the truth whispers in silent screams.
Among the pews, the faithful kneel, their prayers to the heavens soar,
Yet beneath the mask of devotion, hides the sin they can't ignore.

[Verse 2]
The fornicators wear their crosses, as shields against their lust,
Materialists count their blessings, in gold they place their trust.
Pleasure seekers in holy vestments, proclaiming virtues they've forsaken,
Within the walls of sacred silence, the foundations are shaken.

Hear the hymns of the fallen virtue, melodies of the misled,
Where the pious play with fire, by their own desires fed.
For every prayer lifted upward, a heart turns to stone,
In the sanctuary of the sinners, they worship flesh and bone.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen, from grace they've been torn,
In the mirror of repentance, their true selves are scorned.
The altar of hypocrisy, where the unfaithful are crowned,
In the sermon of the selfish, the truth is seldom found.

Hear the hymns of the fallen virtue, symphonies of deceit,
Where the saints and sinners mingle, in defeat they meet.
For every holy proclamation, a vice takes its stand,
In the congregation of contradiction, they walk hand in hand.

So let the choirs of the damned sing, of the paradise they'll never see,
For in the end, it's not the words, but actions that will set you free.
As the final bell tolls softly, in the twilight of the divine,
May the fallen find redemption, at the end of the line.