"The God of Love: Duality in Harmony: The Harmony of Love(Outro)

"The God of Love: Duality in Harmony: The Harmony of Love(Outro)

on the 1 beat, Psychedelic Soul, 70's Experimental Gospel P-Funk, 70's Experimental Yacht Rock



"The God of Love: Duality in Harmony: The Harmony of Love(Outro)

So embrace the duality, the sorrow and the mirth,
For the God of Love presides over all the earth.
In the dance of contrast, in the below and above,
We find the full spectrum, the God of Love.

In every end, there's a start, in every loss, a gain,
Love's the sun through the clouds, the joy inside the pain.
The balance of the heart, the push and pull thereof,
It's the art of living, the God of Love.

From the silence of a whisper to the echo of a shout,
Love weaves the tale of what life's all about.
In the calm and the storm, the hawk and the dove,
There's a thread that unites, the God of Love.

So let us hold the contrasts, the dark and the light,
The moments of peace and the battles we fight.
With every step we take, in the glove of the unseen hand,
We play the notes of love, a symphony so grand.

For the God of Love's symphony is vast and wide,
A melody of emotions, with nowhere to hide.
In the harmony of love, we rise and we prove,
That in every heart's beat, there's the God of Love.

For the God of Love's symphony is vast and wide,
A melody of emotions, with nowhere to hide.
In the harmony of love, we rise and we prove,
That in every heart's beat, there's the God of Love.