Eternal Darkness

Eternal Darkness

Slow Dark Cello Intoduction to a Symphonic Metal Song



Eternal Darkness


[Slow Sad Verse]
I’ve watched mortals live and die, 
few of whom ever questioned why, 
Their lives were mere flickers of shadow,
So cold, pointless, and shallow.


[Slow Sad Verse 2]
From this trance I was roused, 
the limits on my soul unchained, 
Yet, despite my hopes and dreams, 
I still was bound to my own inner pain.

[Long Melodic Interlude]

[Swelling Bridge]
In the heart of The Abyss, 
where shadows dance and twist, 
I rise with the power of night, 
one with my own darkness within.

[Medium Break]

[Long Melodic Interlude]

[Swelling Pre-chorus]
In the heart of The Abyss, 
where shadows dance and twist, 
I rise with the power of night, [Break]
one with my own darkness within.

[Medium Break]

[Ethereal Chorus]
In the shadows of the night,
We can find our inner might, [Break]
A place where dreams become reality, [Break]
Oceans of dark, passionate causality.  [Break]

[Powermeal Female Chorus]
Through the shadows I command,
This Abyss is where I stand,
From darkness, a world was created,
Where shadows danced, and fate awaited.

[Melodic Break]

A sorceress of shadows deep, 
In The Abyss, my soul do I keep,
With every whisper and every call, 
I wield the power to stand tall.

I dream of a world filled with passion and truth, where darkness reveals the essence of youth. [Break]

[Melodic Interlude]

where darkness reveals the essence of youth. [Break]

[Melodic Interlude]

[Ethereal Chorus]
In the shadows of the night,
We can find our inner might, [Break]
A place where dreams become reality, [Break]
Oceans of dark, passionate causality.  [Break]

[Powermeal Female Chorus]
Through the shadows I command,
This Abyss is where I stand,
From darkness, a world was created,
Where shadows danced, and fate awaited.

[Melodic Break]

[Solo Female Verse]
With each step I shape the night, 
into a symphony of darkness so pure and right.
From The Abyss, my power unfurls, 
giving me the power to conquer and rule these worlds.

Where chaos gathers and reigns, 
I harness strength as darkness gains.
In shadows' realm, my purpose takes flight, 
a warrior wielding creation’s might.

[Ethereal Chorus]
In the shadows of the night,
We can find our inner might. [Break]
A place where dreams become reality,
Oceans of dark, passionate causality. 

[Melodic Break]

[Chorus Continues]
Through the shadows I command,
This Abyss is where I stand, [Break]
From darkness, a world was created,
Where shadows danced, and fate awaited.

[Chorus Continues]
Through the shadows I command,
This Abyss is where I stand, [Break]
From darkness, a world was created,
Where shadows danced, and fate awaited.

[Slow Instrumental Outro]

[Slow Quiet Female]
From darkness, a world was created,
Where shadows danced, and fate awaited.

[Fade to End]