Ma pet da Chicken

Ma pet da Chicken

Pop, EDM, Some Techno



Ma pet da Chicken

(Verse 1)
Feathers flying, squawks of dismay,
Wish I could send you far, far away.
Pecking at my patience, day by day,
This love-hate dance, can't seem to sway.

Oh, my pet chicken, with your clucks and cries,
You're the bane of my existence, but you won't realize.
You scratch up my garden, leave me in a mess,
Yet somehow, you're the one I can't suppress.

(Verse 2)
You strut around, like you own the place,
Making a mess, with your clumsy grace.
I try to shoo you, but you won't go,
Oh, how I wish you were someone else's foe.

Oh, my pet chicken, with your clucks and cries,
You're the bane of my existence, but you won't realize.
You scratch up my garden, leave me in a mess,
Yet somehow, you're the one I can't suppress.

But in the quiet moments, when it's just us two,
I catch a glimpse of something, maybe love shining through.
Despite your antics, you're part of my life,
My annoying companion, through joy and strife.

Oh, my pet chicken, with your clucks and cries,
You're the bane of my existence, but you won't realize.
You scratch up my garden, leave me in a mess,
Yet somehow, you're the one I can't suppress.

So here's to you, my feathered friend,
Though our relationship's rocky, it won

(Verse 3)
In the morning light, you greet the day,
With a cacophony of clucks, you have your say.
You steal the spotlight, without a care,
Leaving me to wonder, how much more I can bear.

Oh, my pet chicken, with your clucks and cries,
You're the bane of my existence, but you won't realize.
You scratch up my garden, leave me in a mess,
Yet somehow, you're the one I can't suppress.

(Verse 4)
You peck at my shoes, and steal my snacks,
Leaving behind chaos in your tracks.
But beneath it all, there's a strange allure,
A bond between us, pure and sure.

So in the end, I'll embrace the fray,
With you by my side, come what may.
For even in annoyance, there's a charm,
In our peculiar dance, free from harm.

Oh, my pet chicken, with your clucks and cries,
You're the bane of my existence, but you won't realize.
You scratch up my garden, leave me in a mess,
Yet somehow, you're the one I can't suppress.

So here's to us, a mismatched pair,
Navigating life with love and flair.
My pet chicken, you may be a pain,
But in my heart, you'll always reign.

You scratch up my garden, leave me in a mess,
Yet somehow, you're the one I can't suppress.

So here's to us, a mismatched pair,
Navigating life with love and flair.
My pet chicken, you may be a pain,
But in my heart, you'll always reign.