Ballad of Warrior's Lament

Ballad of Warrior's Lament

Chinese Folk Music, Traditional Chinese Music, Epic, Symphonic, Zither Music



Ballad of Warrior's Lament

Verse 1:
In ancient lands where mountains rise,
And rivers whisper ancient sighs,
There dwelt a warrior, strong and bold,
His tale in ballads long been told.

Verse 2:
Through fields of green and forests dark,
He journeyed forth, his quest to embark,
To master arts of war and might,
And reach the zenith of his fight.

Verse 3:
With sword in hand and armor clad,
He faced the foe, both good and bad,
Through battlefields, he carved his way,
In the heat of combat, night and day.

Verse 4:
Yet with each victory, he felt the cost,
Of all he loved and all he lost,
His comrades fallen, forever gone,
Their memories lingered, ever strong.

Oh, moon above, so bright and fair,
Illuminate the warrior's despair,
For in your glow, he sees the past,
And yearns for friendships that couldn't last.

Verse 5:
With every sip beneath your light,
He longs to turn back time's cruel flight,
To drink with friends, both near and far,
Beneath your gentle, silver star.

Verse 6:
At last, he stood upon the peak,
The summit reached, though hearts still weak,
For all the glory that he found,
Could not erase the sorrow profound.

Verse 7:
He gazed upon the moonlit sky,
And wished to turn back time, oh why,
To drink again with friends of old,
And share stories beneath the moon's gold.

Verse 8:
If he could start anew, he'd say,
He'd turn all he had to ash that day,
Just to be with those long gone,
And dance once more 'neath the moon at dawn.

Through trials dire, and hardships vast,
He pushed ahead, his die was cast,
But in the quiet of the night,
He feels the ache, the endless fight.

In dreams, he sees their faces clear,
His comrades lost, forever dear,
Their laughter echoes in his mind,
A bittersweet solace, hard to find.

If he could start anew, he'd say,
He'd turn all he had to ash that day,
Just to be with those long gone,
And dance once more 'neath the moon at dawn.

So let this ballad tell his tale,
Of journey's end, strong and frail,
Of battles fought and dreams undone,
Of longing for what cannot be won.

Chorus Outro:
In dreams, he sees their faces clear,
His comrades lost, forever dear,
Their laughter echoes in his mind,
A bittersweet solace, hard to find.

With every step, he feels the weight,
Of battles won, and of his fate,
Yet still he climbs, though hearts do ache,
For memories lost, he cannot shake.