The Fartless Sailor

The Fartless Sailor

humorous sea shanty



The Fartless Sailor

Oh I've sailed the seven seas so wide
With a rumble deep inside
Tried to release it but lawd I failed
Oh what a tale to be regaled
[Verse 2]
My belly’s aching I can't deny
With a pressure rising high
Wind be blowin' but I can't start
I'm the sailor who can’t fart
Oh let it out oh set me free
Cursed is this sailor's plea
I've got the gas but not the art
I'm the sailor who can’t fart
[Verse 3]
In the nights so cold and dark
Even tried to make a spark
Sat on deck with all my might
But still no wind filled the night
They laugh and joke oh sailor true
Your face is red you're turning blue
But deep inside there's misery
A bloated sailor lost at sea
Oh let it out oh set me free
Cursed is this sailor's plea
I've got the gas but not the art
I'm the sailor who can’t fart